Web Promotion

>> Thursday, October 15, 2009

best Web PromotionAbility surf (surf on the internet) have now become an obligation for every person. ease offered by the Internet allows us to transact, shopping, business, meet, consult and even dating over the Internet.

Internet as a source of information developed into a potential market for businesses and individuals. Commercial website was developed to contribute in the fight for internet business opportunities are also seeing rapid growth of internet users.

More and more businesses are marketing their business through the website because the internet has to offer OPPORTUNITY challenges and global competition as well as for a business website is the professionalism and credibility in the eyes of corporate customers / potential customers and even competitors' eyes.

This causes the emergence of millions of websites on the internet ... and new problems emerged, with the millions of websites, create new competition, how to be UNIQUE between the Internet jungle? How to get priority attention in the Internet?

Web promotion is the answer.
Internet has become a wilderness site and search engine presence to answer the needs of user of the Internet to get information they need. More than 80% of Internet users use search engines (search engines) as their first step to obtain information, buy products and others, are not we the same way?

Thus, web promotion here can be interpreted as a solution to how to market and make your website loved by search engines? How to reach candidates who are potential customers so that they arrive at your website? How can your website appear in top 10 search results.

Web promotion can be done in several ways, there are currently the two most favored by the search engines:
1. Keyword / keywords that are embedded in the HTML code in your website
2. Links that lead to your website.

As in everyday life, the words are very powerful impact on us. It's a lot of evidence, because the words of people rich, dying, poor, crazy, and so on. So also in the world of web promotion, selection and arrangement of words that represent product / service you are the first step to successfully promote your website on search engines.

To get the right keyword for web promotion, think as a prospective customer you are, about what words would they type into a search engine to obtain information about the product / service? Keep track of all possible words and combinations of words that can represent the product / service. No need to use one word, you can combine more than one word to increase the chances of your website appear in the top 10 search results. For example if you move around the business travel with a local target market (Indonesia), then the keyword would be potential for local travel are: trips to Bali, cheap travel, family tours, holiday tours and others.

One additional note that may sound funny but quite effective, do not forget to include in your keywords words in the spelling of your keywords, such as the examples include the keywords: for the word travel, try to also include trafel and others that you can develop. Why? Not all people who use search engines is the educated, intelligent people that frequent typographical errors also occur and Voila ... you can reach a wider market again right?

To get the right keywords, there are many tools on the Internet that will help formulate the keywords for your website. One of them my favorite is: Google Keyword, and Google Trends. Both these tools are online and free, so you can use it without the need to install on your computer and no need to pay. Because Google is the largest search engine today, using the tool from google to be a reasonable option.

LINK (Back Link)
VERY search engines like websites that have many links from other websites (Back Link). This means that recommends other websites and include a link that led / leads to your website. It is like the following example:
If you have a travel business called eg Travel Bali Tour in Jakarta and one day when someone asked her friend / family / people they know, "What is good for travel tour services to Bali?", If someone gives an answer, "pake aja Travel Bali Tour ", it was very effective recommendation is not it? Similarly, the way search engines work in general. Search engines prioritize websites that have many links from other websites.


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