Business Network Marketing (Part 2)

>> Thursday, October 15, 2009

Business Network Marketing (Part 2)On the last numbers we have seen that you do not have to do their own sale of your merchandise. Because, you can open a marketing network where there are people who do exactly as you do. Good again, if your marketing network big enough, you do not need to sell a lot. You just sell a little, but if each person in your network are also selling slightly, the total turnover in your marketing network has become very large. Here, in addition to retail profits, you also will earn a percentage distribution of sales turnover in your network. Interesting, huh?

In fact, if your marketing networks already meet certain earnings requirements, you may not need to keep running this business, because your marketing network that would later your revenue. So, you only worked briefly for a few years in building the network, and when the network was "so", the network that will be an asset and gives you a regular income (maybe even bigger) from year to year, forever, regardless of whether you are still active or not even alive or not.

In fact, your income can leave to your grandchildren one day. So here, your focus is to create a network, not just selling goods.


In practice, to be able to run a network marketing business, you must be registered at a provider of goods and services as I have described above. Companies that will provide goods and services to you, for then you are selling to buyers and customers.

To join, you must be sponsored by someone who had already been joined in the business. He who will introduce you to the goods and services sold by the company, and also introduced to your business.

In turn, when you begin to build a network by sharing this business to your colleagues and sponsor them, then the whole line will be sponsorisasi recorded by the company. This is because when you and your colleagues to register, on the application form there are fields of the sponsor's name, where all this will be recorded by the company and entered into the data on his computer.

In this business, capital is generally not needed much. Ranging from several tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars alone. This course is different from conventional businesses who require a minimum capital of several million dollars. That was not necessarily successful. Because of the small capital needed in this business, automated almost no risk.

How about the place? In this business, you can run wherever you are, because to run this business you can simply only with paper and pen so you can do it practically anywhere. Plus, you do not need to leave your job or your business right now, because this business can you set the time according to the time you have.

The most interesting, business is good marketing network usually also gives you a way that has proved successful run earlier. So that anyone of you do not need to have the first specialized expertise in running this business, because your sponsor will act as consultants to teach these ways to you.


What about the acquisition of income? In business marketing network, someone can get the income potential there is no limit. This is because the network marketing business is a duplication business. So if your network meets certain qualifications, your income will decline instead, but continued to increase because of duplication in your network also increases.

For information only, income which can be obtained from this business is from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of rupiah. Even up to billions of rupiah. In the United States alone, approximately 20 percent of millionaires in there making money from marketing network business.

Why someone can get such a huge income from this business? Because the income was generated from the sale of goods and services increased rapidly in number, while the cost of operating your business a low course. Providers of goods and services you do not need to spend money to rent the building, employees, advertising and where the stocks.

Thus, providers of goods and services you can provide money that should be used for the costs mentioned above, as your income.


Did you ever interested in one thing, and tell it to everyone in your neighborhood? When you watch a good movie, for example, and because you love it, you tell the movie to your colleagues so that they eventually also curious and wanted to see it.

Or you never ate at a delicious restaurant food? Because the food is very good there, so when you go home tell this to your family and then took them there to enjoy the food. I never did, and I think all those people never do. At least they never promote something that they praised or liked. Can kind of food, some may brand perfume, brand shoes, electronic goods, up to a laundry service to the courses and schools.

Come to think of, the owner of the cinema watching a movie where you might not share his commission to you. Or the owner of the restaurant where you came with your peers, nor will distribute free food to you. But still you would not get paid. Here, you actually have to sell the activities of marketing a product or service.


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