Network Marketing Business (Part 1)

>> Thursday, October 15, 2009

Network Marketing Business (Part 1)if you are interested if you have a small capital business? It's small capital, the risk is also small. You can do this business no matter where you are, whenever you want, and the best part - there are consultants who will provide advice you need so you can succeed in business.

If all this you always have the desire to have your own business, maybe that's business as you need. Maybe you gasped. Was that kind of business? There dong. In fact, many people who have flocked to this business, that when the first side is generally done before the end - is a full-time.

Interested? Find out more.


I will try to describe this business in a simple way. First of all, I want you to close your eyes and try to remember: ever in a time in your life, you sell something to your friend? You have a friend and tell you to sell your watch on him.

Well, maybe not have to watch. You may never sell a shirt, a pair, or pair of shoes. Remember, you do not have a building for displaying your goods, but there is only you, the goods you sell, and your buyers.

Ever? I think almost 90 percent of you have ever done. Okay, now what you get from these sales? Obviously you will benefit retail, where you bought the goods from a place somewhere with a certain price, and you sell more stuff to your friend with a higher price.

For example, you buy goods at a price of $ 10, and sell more goods with the price of $13. The difference between the selling price and buying price is your retail profit.

Now that's a good one. Now imagine if you do not just have one item for sale, but dozens, dozens, hundreds, even thousands of goods. Proverbial, you are like department stores, where what people need, you have it. Clearly, this means you will have not only benefit from a single retail goods, but of the many items you sell.


If you want sales, we must have some sort of store, dong. So maybe you think. It was not always so. Why, then how does one know that you are selling these goods? The answer is the introduction. If you are known by your friends from school one that you often sell the watch, so every time your friends will be looking at his watch, they'll come to you. That's because you've known as a watch salesman. So here, you do not need to have a building to display your stuff right? You only need to known as the seller of goods.

However, let's say you have a building to display the goods you are selling, your sales will probably increase. However, as many goods trade, fixed-what the hell? Plus, the building may make you have to have a special time to keep your store.

Keep in mind also, you may need to buy stock in sufficient quantities so much for the goods are abundant. This means, you must exit substantial capital. So here, you are going to get the retail profits. But that advantage will you get if you sell. Well if you're sick how? Retail profit you may be stopped.


So, instead you rely on your own (which could be any time you get sick and are forced to stop selling), why not build a network of people who do exactly what you do?

So here, what you do is to open a network marketing (network marketing). Within these networks there are dozens, dozens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people who make sales just as you do. Each of them will get the retail profits exactly what you get. So if you stop and can not sell, either because of illness or because of whatever, your marketing network will continue to sell with or without you.

If seen, this business-like similar to a franchise business. Es Teler 77 for example. Es Teler 77 is the name of a food and drink stalls are well known businessman's called Sukyatno Nugroho Indonesia. I've never seen financial records, but a clear Es Teler 77 visited a lot of visitors, whether for just a drink of ice, ate meatballs, chicken noodles, dumplings or whatever it was.

Well, if Es Teler 77 has only one place (hereinafter we call the outlet), then if the outlets were busy, may be greater benefits obtained by the owner. But in the long-term consequences of these outlets should be kept open to continue to get visitors. Imagine what would happen if anything happens and these outlets can not be forced to open?

Here, the owner of the Es Teler 77 to open branches. He can open the 1, 2, 10, even 100 branches. The problem, it is often open branch costs. More and more branches are opened, the greater the cost will be required. Es Teler 77 owner could have offered the rights to open 77 Es Teler it to others who have capital. For example, if you have a certain minimum amount of money, you can come to the office Es Teler 77, and bought the rights to open a branch Es Teler 77.

If you pass the test, then you will have the support of the division of secret recipe, the concept of service, the recommended interior design, and so on and so forth that have been proven successful in attracting visitors. So if you come to the Es Teler 77 outlets anywhere, the service was standard. Starting from her maid's uniform, to taste the food.

So what is gained by the original owner of the 77 Es Teler outlets you open? The answer is: you have to divide your sales results each year to the original owner Es Teler 77. This is called a royalty. More and more people are interested in having outlets Es Teler 77, the greater the royalties that go to the original owner.

And usually, the number of outlets can be opened more with the franchise system than if the owner of Es Teler it opened 77 branches at their own expense. This also happened to McDonald, where the average is now a branch of McDonald's is open every day all over the world, so from year to year, the royalties that go to McDonald's instead of the original owner, but even smaller bigger.


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