Advantages and Benefits A Leader

>> Sunday, December 13, 2009

Advantages and Benefits A LeaderVarious literature and foreign, ancient and recent, traditional or modern, simple or sophisticated, it teaches us that a leader must always have the advantages and superiority of the people. Here are excerpts of expert opinion leadership:

1. "A leader is influence". John Maxwell description of one word, short and simple, a place of leadership within the reach of every person. Leadership is not position, position, or flow chart (Flowchart). Leadership is a life that affect the lives of others.

2. "Character is power". Booker T. Washington, which must be learned in the first lesson is broad-minded leadership is built from the essential character. Good character of infrastructure is essential to support the behavior (behavior) is good. Trust and involvement of followers will be parallel with the level of our character (the leader).

3. "Character is the result of habituation of an idea and deed," Stephen R. Covey:. "sow ideas, reap the act. 
sow deed, reap a habit. sow habit, reap CHARACTER. sow character, reap destiny ". The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

4. "FATE is the remainder of the draft", Branch Rickey further states: "People talk about good luck and bad luck, success seldom determined by CHANCE. People say;" Luck happens when opportunity in accordance with the preparation ".

5. "Use power to help people. We are given power not to achieve personal goals, or making the biggest show in the world, and not to get a name. There is only one uses the power of helping people." George Bush.


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