Leadership Character Actualization

>> Monday, December 14, 2009

Leadership Character Actualization1. As he runs his role as a statesman who trusted the people through election reform era that all parties recognize as the most democratic election for Indonesia's independence, so the statesman must be able to implement the "Character constitutional leadership". Ie a leadership character disciplined, democratic, has a warm nature of the social order with the ethics of interpersonal communication. A character of leadership that has thrust the rise INSPIRATION form of government framework to understand that the law must be clear and specific enough to help create the ideal form of society.

2. With full disclosure outstanding leader copying two-way communication between the members and leaders with followers. As this is a political education can be given to the followers.
Art of democracy from the start presented by the leaders to their followers.

3. Leaders of character firmly in its leadership obligations., To persuasion in the art of building consensus with influence (persuasion). They should be able to lead people to work the right way and doing the right thing.

4. Ripple effect spreading and contagious leadership to the leadership strata below, it is not surprising that the elite has stopped fighting words and stay in touch, and the area was under a lot of organizational control range of new conflict begins. This must be prevented through political education with the example of wise leadership, control your tongue and mouth.

5. Leaders of character has a special style of emotions, happy outgoing, more emotionally expressive and dramatic, warmer and more social, free of prejudice against political opponents, more cooperative, more fun, more appreciative and trustworthy, and even more unusual lembutdaripada leaders.

6. Characterized by prominent leaders who have positively visionary comprehensive capabilities of the patterns of striking the middle of the information that Chaos (chaotic and confusing), chaos is created automatically as a result of bad leadership can lead to new, more chaotic and vulgar vandals.

7. Leaders of character capable of integrating the reality of the emotions with what they see, so it can produce a profound influence for his followers and made the vision that can inspire (Bill Newman; The Ten Laws of Leadership).

8. The leader has the best character; "Skills that can generate creativity of others, and inspire them to move towards the desired", as said by Robert E. Kaplan of the Center for Creative Leadership.

9. Leaders of character can best energy drain. Like Ronald Reagan, known as, "Master Communicator" during his presidency, he is a professional actor. Emotional power of his charisma affect the ability of listeners to feature in public debate against Walter Mondale.

10. The negative side is the charismatic leader of character emotions easily spread to the fanatical followers of the group. Adage applies here "Fish rot from the head first". Rough temperament, arrogant and vain will be able to drop the group morale. Birgitta Wistrand call it; "The lack of ability to restrain emotions", (emotional incontinence), to infectious destructive emotions that come from the top down.


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