When is The Right Time Applying SEO?

>> Friday, October 23, 2009

When is The Right Time Applying SEO?The question at once became the title of this article I often receive from visitors Balimedia.web.id. I wonder when it is appropriate to apply the techniques of search engine optimization. Was before the website was created, or after? Actually, the correct answer back to the readiness of the manager or owner of the website in question. It should be the steps SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is prepared before a website built. From choosing a domain name targeted to the keywords that should be designed from the beginning to facilitate the development of content or content of the website. However, many new web developers who know the technique of SEO after the website was completed and they had operated for so long. In cases like this, SEO still be applied by making changes or optimization. Problem is how much change it can be done?

Examples that can be taken is the selection of domain names. One of the SEO techniques which until now is still valid is the use of domain names associated with the keywords, will have positive impact on your targeted keywords on search engines. For example if your website sells furniture products, the use of the furniture on the domain will be very helpful. If this was planned from the beginning, then you can calmly select an appropriate domain name, for example Balimedia.web.id. However, if your site has been operating with Balimedia.web.id domain, of course, can not be changed just like to rename a file in windows explorer. Factors domain name is not the most important. But at least you have been winning by one point when planned from the beginning.

Next is the selection of keywords or keyword. Before you begin to create text for web pages, you must know what keywords are best suited for fighting in the search engines. What keywords most sought-after people associated with the content of your website. In this case you are not encouraged to play guess-guess the word. You must use a professional way to select those keywords. There is no point in getting top positions for keywords that have never sought. One way is by using WordTracker.com. There you can search for keywords what many people looking for related to your business. These keywords will be sorted by score called the Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI). Keyword KEI value of 100, good enough to be used. The larger the value of a keyword KEI, the more popular the keywords as well. But KEI is usually directly proportional to the number of competitors. You should choose keywords with KEI value the most, but with the amount of the smallest competitors. Pick 3 or 4 keywords that you deem most appropriate, and start making content-based text these keywords.

Planning from the beginning also lets you apply the SEO techniques on your web design. Design is too much loaded with graphics, such as images and flash, will not have positive impact to improve ranking in search engines. Optimization of HTML tags is to be done to build web pages search engine friendly


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