Tips Overcoming Anxiety at Work Period Start

>> Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tips Overcoming Anxiety at Work Period Start
Every person must have a job, because with a job is certain to earn a salary to make ends meet. For someone who will start working or just started work usually has its own problems in their early work, namely anxiety infestation.

When I would start work in early working life at that time was experiencing something similar, namely feelings of anxiety, all fear and do not have the confidence to face the work situation will pass. And after the fact it served no one should worry about. It all happened because it was limited to our own feelings only.

For those of you who will start work and feel a sense of anxiety at the beginning of working life, following the simple tips that I wrote based on work experience for approximately 19 years in one state-owned banks. This is tipsnya:

1. Positivists

Begins when about to leave for work to be in the workplace environment, facing everything with a calm attitude and continue to think positively about the people who will find in your workplace environment later, because with just berburuk think will make our hearts are not comfortable and others was not necessarily think of your berburuk.

2. Learn the things that make you feel anxious

A positive effort, it would be wise if we know and learn the things that make us anxious, then followed by action settlement. Employment situation was far different from the usual situation you face everyday. But more important, you know what the first time you have to do to deal with it.

3. Do not hesitate to ask

We feel that as new workers are convinced that they have not much to know and understand everything about the job. A new worker can not be expected to understand all the systems and corporate prosedir well. Everything takes time and process, ask for assistance to more senior. At the beginning of the work is a good time to ask the boss mapun co-worker. I believe all parties will be senanghati will listen to what you ask and will help you, because the point is ultimately for the progress of the company.

4. Expand your technical knowledge

Do not be lazy and learn things related to technical work, both systems and procedures the company, because it will really help you in doing their daily work. If you have more knowledgeable and technically menguasi job, then you will work more independently.

5. Construct relationships with all parties

If you want much liked by all his colleagues in the workplace environment, then meet your colleagues one by one from each section. Avoid hanging out with colleagues only one part each day and do not take sides on just one group, but arms around them without causing a conflict, it would be better for you to daily activities within the company.

6. Avoid Conflict

Every human being has the properties and behavior different. Likewise, people who are in your working environment. Put yourself between them, their hearts rebutlah to be sympathetic to you. Try to not create conflict with their other colleagues. Stay away and avoid arguments and conflicts on behalf of fellow workers to the atmosphere in your work environment remains conducive.

7. Self exciting

Do you not expect that others would be nice of you, but instead of your own pleasure comes. Make a fun atmosphere for yourself. Talk with senior colleagues and seek Andab you avoid the opinion of other workers who experienced disappointment or frustration on the job, as this will affect your morale.

8. Always improve

Every human being has strengths and weaknesses, natural to make mistakes, especially for novice workers. What matters to you is to make mistakes as a step to improve themselves, but not something that can add anxiety and disappointment. Learning from mistakes is a form of self instropeksi most valuable to not repeat the same mistakes in the days to dating.

9. Sincerity in work

Every worker or employee in general wanted a proper job and must fight to keep one day be promoted by the employer to hold a higher position, salary as a result would be even greater. But it is important in every job must be with a sincere heart and sincere, make it as a work of worship and consider it as a challenge and not as a burden.

That's all of my tips, hopefully useful. But even though how well things work in an environment where you work depends on how you can react or mengkondisikannya. Tips on a my experience, at least can give you the motivation for the new or will start entering the workforce.


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