Paradigm Business Online For Beginners

>> Sunday, October 18, 2009

Paradigm Business Online For BeginnersImagine for a moment!
If you lived 100 years ago at the age where:
• no computer
• there is no internet, email, etc
• there is no mobile
• no radio
What can you do to find extra income?
1. Work in the morning until late afternoon + work at night until morning
2. Husband and wife each worked to increase the monthly income

But now you live in a different era:
o existing computers & notebooks
o was no internet, email, 3G, GPRS, wifi, etc
o existing mobile
o existing FM radio, AM, etc
What can you do to find extra income?
Answers were:
1. Work in the morning until evening + work at night until morning?
2. Husband and wife each work to increase the monthly income?
The question is: Why even now times have changed completely, 99% of people still using 100 years ago to seek additional income?
If your answer is because it did not know, then realize that it's open big hope in front of you.
Because this ebook is it written for you who want to learn, and want to take a BIG chance that not many people know Indonesia.
With technology and the times are already very advanced, as now, you can use online business as an alternative to get additional income without having to stop working with a small relatively . you capital can also use the online business as a marketing strategy to grow our business You are now to the broader market and fewer competitors, because not many know the market potential in online business.


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