Being Rich or Poor is very easy to

>> Monday, October 19, 2009

Being Rich or Poor is very easy toWith such economic conditions, many people or most people are getting desperate in the face of life, out of a job, or company that is bankrupt because of global crisis, there are also people who deliberately or consciously all these people out of work just because it was not convenient to work too long on the company
So with such circumstances there is a home to earn money or in other words to get rich quickly, with more ways to manipulate or deceive the sentence palpable or writings that are misleading, as for example how easily money flows into your account, or promising earnings of 9 million / month income promising even hundreds of millions in 100 days, .. blah, blah blah

But it is a reality in our society, they were among those who are in a state of frenzy, confused, but very urgent needs that must be fulfilled or they are also victims of the promises of lucrative writing so they stuck to like it or not imitate the way and their efforts.

Only by spending 100 or 200 thousand then your account will be continuously flowi money in one day ... 1 million? I have a lot to see on the site that there may be thousands of them are actually the same in essence purchasing, pay and sell goods / cd / ebook that they have, with clarity as a re-seller, is not wrong if actually of their first frank they do is sell cd / e book / information and if anyone should be interested in explaining not the lure iming with wealth, ease, success.

In this case the victims were people who were serious and really needs a job, perhaps for their money mediocre, but they are intoxicated by the lure of getting a job online or not online who has the offer that their ends on unconsciously forced out some money, and they were just told to sell more products, so essentially no work online or not online that clearly they were told to sell more product, it works which I think is very sad.

I think it exists and has become our mindset everyday so that we may be interested or trapped by the writing or the promise of the penggasak money, which in essence is that we should be wise in our current living situation or rather keep trying to calm despite our condition already in the balance, it is only our thoughts and feelings are not really say that at all.

I take the example of a disturbed person (nuts) I am sorry not mean we should be mad, though they kumel, skinny, neglected, do not know the life lane road, take potluck, but they are still smiling even a very genuine smile, happy , his laughter emits rays which they did not have the problem, but to us who are sane, we see that the condition is very alarming.

It's all in your brain in our / our mindset, that is how we are sane thinking and addressing the same situation with crazy people how well he is addressing his point of view (mindset).

In this sense we are insane to be more intelligent response to the situation, condition, although we do not like the conditions we expect and want us to be still thinking positive and being happy, but that does not mean we should emulate like a crazy person is not at all.

Actually, everything we experience is the result of our thoughts and feelings that we have been made, and it may also be the fruit of our minds decades ago but only now that we have received through it, believe or not believe but that's reality

I take the example of several events and results of direct interviews, actual events that I deliberately did not engage a conversation with a well that is pretty much a rough work (sorry no offensive intentions profession) the results of my talks is that people do indeed have a principle of life, views , insights yes indeed in accordance with what he gets now.

Clearly that person has a mindset that he just wanted a simple life, quiet, yes pickup
income is not an important issue he lives feel calm, but what ya get it exactly like that condition was, with a salary (sorry) not much when compared with those who are successful.

And a bit of reality's more going on my own friends, my friends long enough from the start junior high, high school, COLLEGE even now, at that time I was in high school, well my friend that he has a mind (mindset) to be the rich, in fact his family situation was fairly simple family well as I, upon entering college I was working at a national bank's largest, and the friends I have not got a job.

So I set to work while in college, now my other friend was still in his dream to become rich, he never told his neighbor's success with working overseas and came back with a lot of money, and it is always in talking to me many times that he want to work abroad and came back with a lot of money.

From year to year after graduating he has not got a job for 2 years, more details of unemployment for 2 years, while I was already holding the money, and have the vehicle and still single, but he remained with the dreams and cita2nya in terms mindsetnya will work out country and bring back a lot of money still not subsided.

My friend that one have the mindset and style of successful people, he wanted to have the cars, homes and jobs overseas, and become rich, but when he tells a that-was again in my heart to say how could, how could he working abroad, working as employees yet, which essentially how he can make all the dreams and his ambition it ....? with alone he even did not know how.

Wait a minute ...! be careful with your mind (maindset) mind you that makes you like this, and it is one hundred percent, ... you are the result of your own mind ... so do not blame anyone or anything, ..

What happened to my friend ...? unexpectedly he was received well in one national bank, a year he worked and became a permanent employee
, With a sudden there was a chance he got an offer to work in one of the branches in foreign countries ... ???!!!!!!!!! and ndilalahnya, .. He graduated with a very easy, but I know exactly in English rather ugly ... bgt, .. samalah well as me.

Now she gets what she wants in accordance with mindsetnya since the beginning, so it is with me, I do not understand at first, I find or understand this from my search of the life of long ago for many years, had several teachers, seminars, tungdesem seminars, ESQ, books of many experts, ... which I eventually have their own conclusions and techniques to be able to process my mindset, so I also arrange my life according to what I want.

Since knowing this and have teknink I quit my job which is very comfortable in one's Largest National Bank, even when I get promoted to manager and one of conscious and in accordance with my wishes, I live comfortably with a peaceful, happy, and thankful .

Every day I am always with my kids, my wife and I are very happy, I give thanks to Almighty God, I live with my suit, and this is all I want.

What about my income to be able to support me and my family ..? Praise the teknink that I use now, and I also strongly believe this is true for me, your hosts even this, ...
I really wanted to write how the techniques and trik2 to be always set our mindset in order to always achieve success and desire, happiness, always in a state of conscious and in harmony with the will of nature about ourselves and our lives.

I purposely did not write down how I made in order not to be a destination for those who read, but the point is we should always be happy, thankful and we should know what God wanted for us so that we can reach a happy life.

So my message BEWARE of your mind to get to know exactly what you want and thoughts, wishes and thoughts must be in harmony, then we will be in harmony with nature and we can know what God wanted for us in the context of the pursuit of happiness we want.


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